Friday, August 3, 2007

I'm a Big Kid Now!

Bryant turns two at the end of the month. Where has time gone? This last week, we finally made the transition to a big boy bed! It was hard for me to realize he's growing up. We decided to give Addison her own room and now the boys will share the bunk beds. I told Doug last night that there needs to be more of us, funny--no hysterical-- that he thought I meant more kids, I was implying there needs to be more adults to keep up with these three. We are far outnumbered it may only be by one literally, but it sure feels like about 6 to 2 around here most days. Other than not saying all that much, {wonder why?} Bryant has really become one of the big kids. Bring on the potty training and folks my job is done! {If only that were true} This picture is of him sleeping soundly the first night out of his crib.


amy said...

you are so brave, my friend. out of the crib and only a year old! i am bowing to you right now! i like to keep mine caged for a while, if you know what i mean. carter will probably break out soon, hopefully not too soon. glad they are all happy, and yes, zone defense is much more difficult than man-on-man.

amy said...

okay, so almost two. i was so incredulous about the big boy bed that i erased a year of his little life. oops! =)