Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day Photos

here are the photos to start the day off, my feet are tired and i hope to enjoy an afternoon of listening instead of talking.....oh and you can tell which pictures Doug took, love the back end shots!


Mer said...

Leigh Ann ,they look half grown!!!!! How did that happen. What an adorable family. I don't know how you keep up with all of them:) You are AMAZING!

Mandy said...

Cuties!! Hope your first day was good-- and I see that Doug has been very hard at work on that poor old tree!!

Jennifer said...

I hope they all enjoyed school, especially Bryant.

Jenny Sipes said...

Cute have a beautiful must be one proud mommy..

Marsha said...

Great pictures. I'm like you, I can't believe they are this old. You can see each of their personalities just popping out. I just ask that God richly bless each one of them.

Anonymous said...


aww pretty family