Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mr. Sam!

Here's my nephew. He has always loved trains from birth, I think. And, can tell you all you want to know and more about the way they work. He and Addison both start school in a few weeks, so goes the innocence! Well, we hope not. We had a great time getting these shots this morning just before the rain. I couldn't really decide which was my favorite so I posted several.


Anonymous said...

Love the train pictures! You're doing such a good job.

Sisters said...

Dawn's little boy is precious! I love the pic on the train tracks with the verse-wow!

amy said...

Lady, you got some talent! I know I've said it before, but you have such a way of capturing the personality of each person you photograph. They aren't just pretty pictures. We'll be in for a short time in Sept. Hope we can book you. I'll check your link.