Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two times the Blessing!

These two girls safely arrived last Friday. After too many prayers to even count, the Martins were blessed with these beautiful babies. We all just couldn't wait to see what they were going to be. The parents didn't want to know what they were having. "In this day and time there are few surprises left," as Jennifer said, so they waited. I have to admit, I always wanted to wait too, but I just couldn't wait, knowing the information was there waiting on me. It was such a joy just to see them today, healthy and AWAKE! Imagine that? To photograph them was my blessing. They speak for themselves. All I have to say is Ryan is definately King now! Four girls! Just ask Emily want kind of party she planned for you in a few years! This last picture is for Ryan, when I saw the picture, it was screaming for me to put the comment. We love you guys and hopefully the next days will be filled with as much sleep as you can squeeze in. We all are still praying for you and the girl(s!) The rest of the pictures are on the website, under twins.


Matt and Jolee said...

I heard the news a couple of days ago and what a surprise to see them when I opened your blog! They are adorable....