Since Doug and the big kids are on their way to pick up our new puppy, Bryant and I relished in this beautiful weather, together. Because church gets out so early, we were able to beat the big crowds that i'm sure Creekmore will welcome today. I hardly ever have just Bryant, so we took a picnic lunch out and then played, and now he's sleeping soundly! Oh, if only the weather would stay like this. I'll try and post pics of the new lab we've acquired some time tonight. I can't wait to see her and hear what named Doug has picked out?
House Hushing & Why You Need It Now
1 day ago
Hey! We have a dog house if you would like it. The people that we bought this house from left it when they moved. It's one of those igloo dog houses and we are getting ready to put it out on the curb for the trash men to pick up but when I read this post I thought maybe y'all need a dog house!?! Just e-mail me if you're interested.
Melissa S.
What a fun time! Don't they grow up too quick?
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