Saturday, October 27, 2007

Picking Pumpkins

Since I didn't have any sessions today, I thought I would try and get Bryant's 2 year picture. We tried anyway? He is not that easy to photograph these days. I told Doug I have more pics of Bryant walking away from us than facing the front (we hope that's not foreshadowing of his teenage life) It pretty much was a waste with Bryant, but hey, we got some sweet shots of Bennett and Addison. I guess I'll try again some other time with my youngest? My favorite one is the one where Bryant is behind Bennett making faces at him, Bennett looks totally annoyed, as I'm sure he was! We ended our pictures with a run to a local church to pick our pumpkins. Doug and the kids always spend this weekend prior to Halloween carving up super pictures on the pumpkins. When they get those done, I'll post their masterpieces.


amy said...

don't kid got great pics! i love the one of bennett in the hat and esp. the one of the boys and bryant's making faces. you're so good at capturing their personalities. mom said bryant missed turner after we left. she likes to rough-house, too. love addy's outfit!