Thursday, September 18, 2008

On the Market

I typically only include stuff about photography or school or my three precious ones on here but tonight, I'm going to take some time to brag on my husband and dad. For two weeks straight I don't think my husband has done anything but sleep, eat and work. He has worked so hard to get our house ready to sell. We've been so busy getting it ready that we've not had a chance to be discouraged by the recent news in the market with housing......and loans, etc. Mom and Dad came up on Tuesday and they have worked their heads off. We totally decluttered the house and did the scrub down to get things clean. I feel better just having things stored away for now. I hope it sells quickly, but I'm dedicated to letting God direct us. There have been some really Godly, kind people helping me, advising me in the last few weeks, and I am always so appreciative of that. It seems like the more you move in any direction the more God uses us. When you are seems to be in my life anyway, that God becomes static. It is so reassuring when you feel the presence of God.....your faith and works combined really does strengthen the relationship with God.
I could do a whole post on what this sweet house has meant to me, but I'll save that for later....hopefully sooner than later. Anyway, Shelly is going to list it with Chuck Faucet Realty. She was funny....last night she emailed and asked if I wanted to take the pictures or did I want her to come over and get the pictures....we both laughed and said well, I guess I'll do need in her coming over here for that purpose. So tonight I managed to get them all taken and hope they will work! Feel free to send me advice, this is our first for selling a home. I love advice!


Jenny Sipes said...

Good luck on the selling of your house...Where are y'all going to be moving?

Anonymous said...

I stop in from time to time and am so happy your photography business is doing great. Looks like you are having so much fun. And now plans for a big move. My advice is to have a yard sale before you start packing :) Love your cousin, Blair