Friday, January 11, 2008

awards assembly

Today Bennett and Addison had their assembly for first semester grades. You might think the word BUG means the creepy crawly creatures outside, but if you ask Bennett he'll answer "Bring Up Grades". He was so proud to have finally made an A in writing. He's been trying really hard to earn an A. We were proud to hear he was a member of the BUG club today that meant he got his A! Both kids earned perfect attendance for the fall, I live vicariously through my children as I not once earned that title, Perfect Attendant! Anyway, I was the proud momma with the camera.


amy said...

Tell them Amy said way to go! great pants, addy! turner had a great time painting her nails. so big!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for the BUG club! Congrats you guys on Perfect Attendance!

amy said...

love your wallpaper! was it hard to do? you know i'm stupid with this bloggin' thing.