In class we discussed the fact that Mary Shelley wrote the gothic story of Frankenstien. Give me your thoughts on how she developed a such a gory plot. Second, what proof can you give that history repeats itself in regards to her ideas in science in the 1800's?
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2 weeks ago
More than likely, she got ideas from Percy and Byron. Their stories sparked thoughts in her head about "well what if that was true?" Their ideas were twisted and changed to fit a different storyline and plot.
To me I Think that she wrote the story by a dream that she had when she was a child. She was probably dreaming of someone she used to be scared of a bully or something.
People try to create things that aren't real. (God made)
By: Monkeyboi
well i think that she was crazy or suicidle and she didnt have any friends ............ lois
mary shelley developed her story during her dream she had one night while she slept to develop her plot.
by Francis Brown
I think that she had a wild imagination. When you are young, you have a wild imagination and you tend to dream of some of the things that you imagine.
People nowadays are messing with nature. Scientists are even going to the extent of choosing their unborn childs hair color, eye color, if they are going to be tall or short, etc. They even went to the extent of choosing what kind of sports the child would be interested in. That is very crazy!
Cassidy Pittman
I think that she had a wild imagination. When you are young, you have a wild imagination and you tend to dream of some of the things that you imagine.
People nowadays are messing with nature. Scientists are even going to the extent of choosing their unborn childs hair color, eye color, if they are going to be tall or short, etc. They even went to the extent of choosing what kind of sports the child would be interested in. That is very crazy!
Cassidy Pittman
She was thinking on how could she entertain her public with more scary ideas and not just a wanna be scary story. When people try to be god by cloning animals and are experimenting with humans. In that case I would clone my grandparents before they die.
Alejandro Marin Chavez
people during that time did not know much about the human body nor did have the technology to learn so mary like other people imagined about those type of things also being so young helped her because her imagination went wild. daniel
I think that by her being at a young age that she was able to use her imagination, giving her more to feed on and expand the story.i say history repeats itself by one person having a great idea and it just being thoughts and someone comes with a way to inprove that idea and next thing you know you have new ways to improve life. and thats what i think she did. Alfredo Delpozo p.6th 3-27-07
I think she want to write a scary story the noboby alse is write before and i think she thinks ideas the in the future it will exis so she can be a good writer in the 1800's
miguel torres quevedo
She developed this story, because she had a nightmare and decided to write the story based on her dream.Scientist actually experiment now, and come out with it.
I thing she want's to worte about the gothic story. Just make people scary before they die
I think she was real creative in this story of Frankenstien because it is very famous, the story is kind of scary, I think she wroted it because on the 1800's there were probably a lot of violence and that is how she describe her feelings
jesus aleman
I think she was real creative in this story of Frankenstien because it is very famous, the story is kind of scary, I think she wroted it because on the 1800's there were probably a lot of violence and that is how she describe her feelings
jesus aleman
mary shelley had influnces from her husband and mentor .. the idea of frankenstien came from her dreams but her husbands tallent as a writter helped her make the story what it is today .... her idea of colong in the story wasn't something really thought about in thoses days .. now the topic is more common ... scientist today actually do reseach that is so close to her story it's scary... they take stem cells from babies that were aborted and use lab rats to grow humans limbs from them for people in need ... thats wierd if you ask me but if i lost a an ear or something and an aborted baby and a lab rat were the ones responsible for me getting my ear back id be greatfull ..... venia marie
On story of Frankenstien by Mary Shelley, I think she developed such great gothic story, because her main purpose was to made the story real and interesting by making the reader being part of the story.
The clonning of animals and plants
Maria B Martinez
My thoughts on how she developed such a gory plot are that she was a mental child. She was probably considered emo in her day. You know like one of those kids who keep to themselves and always writes weird poetry... yea, she was definately Emo.
Her science ideas are definately repeated currently in history. One major political issue is the issue on stem cell research. This can cure diseases and clone things.
-Katie Pevehouse
arely zamudio
she use imagination and also maybe
the people tell her stories and she use more points to get the story.
she was based on her dreams and the stories that she had heard.
*I think that Mary Shelley wrote a great gory plot because. . .She was interested in it and was depressed about alot of things. Maybe her thoughts reflected on what she wanted to do.
*I dont really understand this question, you tried to explain but I couldnt really catch your drift. :)
jose betancourt
she use imagination one day when she was with her husband and they decided to write ghost stories
1. When you are in side during the summer and it's raining outside you can very bord and in your mind you can thinhk of all kind of thingsd to do if some one says write a scary story and when you finish we'll read them to each other you get very excited and it may taker time but you'll get the hang of it and just so happen. Raven
Maria Gonzalez
Sha used her imagination during a afternoon when she was relax, but at the same time she like to write stories about ghosts.
Because she wants to give scarey to the people.
I think that regardless of how much of a saint (or even how innocent) one thinks that they are, they are still capable of creating an off-the-wall, gory, horror story for someone elses entertainment. The only thing that might be different from one person to another is exactly how much they enjoy doing so. As for Mary Shelley, she was somewhat competitive, so that could help with producing something amazing as well.
The similarities between Mary Shelley's ideas having to do with science, and what's going on currently in the science world, are more obvious that most people realize. Today, the only reason why people are okay with stem-cell research and transplants is because they know that it can help them have the "ideal" traits. They think that it gives them a better chance of having something turn out the way that they want. The same goes for Shelley's ideas. She wrote Victor Frankenstein as someone who was putting together an "ideal" human being to help him get what he wanted, and that was someone, or something, who would keep him from ever being lonely.
Chelsea Higgins; 7th period! :)
Merry decided to write this storie when she was stuck in a house in the summer, then they start to tell ghost stories and thats how they came out whit this story. Science have come since old times, it is weird that in those times they talk about some experiments that we still trying to solve today. Jorge Quinones
Mary was talking with her husband and Lord Byron and reading stories. Lord Byron suggested that they write ghost stories to see who can write the best one. For a while, she couldn't think of anything, until one day when she overheard a conversation between Lord Byron and Shelley. They were talking about galvanism and Dr. Darwin. That night, as she laid in bed, she imagined that galvanism was real and that a "pale student" put parts together to form a human and it came alive! Well, it scared her and she figured that if it scared her, it might scare the others! Her husband encouraged her to publish it.
Mary talked about galvanism, which is the use of electric currents to "jumpstart" dead muscles. Today we use paddles to jumpstart the heart to make it beat again. But that is not the scary part. One of the scarier ideas of modern science is cloning or perhaps artificial intelligence in robots. What if the robots decided we were too "inferior" to exist or people decided you must look indentical to each other? They eliminate the unique, the slower people to supposedly advance the race.
Salvador Ponce
I think she use imagination based in her dreams and in the histoys that she heard.
She was scare to the ghost and she want to writte what she dream about the ghost.
raven-2. the reason why I can say science repeats it self because history repeats itself in a different way but using the same idea.
I think that mary shelley developed such a gory story? by a dream she had or by her liking scary story and it just came to her. I think that every person is born with something special and she was born with that so she was just doing what she was born with.
2. the proof can give that history repeats itself because of her explaing how the made a living person out of died body parts.
maggie perez
I think that Mary Shelley devoloped the story Frankistein since she was very critical with the other ghost stories she had read and that inspire her to write a story she might enjoy. I think science repeats itself since everyone wants to be the next god and create a man
Claudia Santos
I think that Mary Shelley devoloped the story Frankistein since she was very critical with the other ghost stories she had read and that inspire her to write a story she might enjoy. I think science repeats itself since everyone wants to be the next god and create a man
Claudia Santos
First, she did a great job by writting this story....Second, she had to be a mart kind of person to be able to come up with such things. Third, i think she used to live in a dark and scary place.........She was probably depressed and just tryed to have a little fun by writting scary stories......B.Del Rio
1. I think she developed her story during her dream she had one night while she slept to develop her plot. She had a imagination. Marry Shelly created ghost story and scary people.
I think that she developed her not only to out do the others but to also stand out from other people. After all what teenage girl in the 1800's was thinking of such horrid things like that let alone writing about them.
All you haft to do is turn on the TV and you see signs of how history is repeating it self weather it be "age defying creams", stem cell research or cloning, people are obsessed with maintaining there life's and they don't want to haft to think about death.
i just think that she was a very quiet and a person who kept to herselve thats why she wrote the way she did bc she just read and saw the people and came up with the idea...the proof is that alll of us are in the same day and age and its just something else like it was back then...LIZ
In the Introduction to Frankenstein she says the vivid details of the monster were seen by her laying down one night after a deep discusion on ghosts and horror. Her husband most likely helped with the imagery later to make it more descriptive and readable.
Medicine was crude in the 1800's, with speculation of symptoms and probing instead of reaching a firm diagnosis. Infection and death from operations were also fairly common early on. Limbs often had to be amputated in war because there was no other way to stop an infection or treat a severely wounded appendage. The crude operation of Frankenstien's doctor reflects the inexperience at the time.
She had alot of time on her hands. Most of the time she was in Switzerland her and her husband and friends read horror stories. Lord Byron got the idea that they all write a horror story. she overheard their discussions and probally devoloped alot of ideas from that. She also had influences from Dr. Darwin and his ideas on life. Once again all she had was time because the bad weather kept her inside most of the time and all she had to do was develope her idea into what she did.
1. She developed such gory story plot with the help of the theroies of Dr. Darwin and the books she read while at Lord Byron house while it was raining. She also developed the story while lying in bed.
2. One thing that expanded the possabilities of science today that reflects her story is that today we use mechanical hearts in some people to keep them alive.
Andrew Galvan 1st period
The story came to her when she was lying in bed and could not sleep. She was so frighten by the dream that she know it would be the perfect ghost story to write, because if she was so frighten by it she knew everyone else would, and she gave all the credit to her husband.
Montoiya Owens
She got the idea for the story from Dr. Darwin. He was a man that was said to have "preserved a piece of vermicelli in a glass case till by some extraordinary means it betan to mmove with voluntary motion. Perhaps a corpse would be reainimated: galvanism." she was awake in bed when the plot of the story came to her. In the story Frankenstein human parts were said to have been used for the monster. You could say that, that has something to do with transplants today. We don't use them for monsters but we do put dead peoples good organs in somebody elses body.
taneka rucker
I think that based upon what i have read of other peoples comments, since i was not here yesterday that she had a nightmare and based her story off of it.
I think she was trying to out do Percy and Byron. And show them that she can write a good stroy to maybe even better. History repeats it self because people think of the same thing but add more to it.
Alicia Henry
Children usually have wild imaginations and since she was so young when she wrote this, I'm sure she just thought it up.
I think history repeats itself in regards to her ideas in science in the 1800's because today we have many developments in science since then and have improved them.
By: Jennifer Greene
I think that she was greatly influenced by her husband and Byron she really wanted to show them how she could really write a better story than they could. she had many ideas for a story but did not write them because she wanted the best one.
Ronald Rodriguez
period 1
Mary Shelley wrote the gothic story of Frankenstien because she was put up to a challeng. Mary beign very ambitious person she was, she wanted to make it as gory and scary as possible. Mary was also very young with a great imagination. While she was sitting in bed one night she came up with her plot to her story. She was very scared of the monster she created, so she knew other people would be as well.
History does repeat itself in regards to her ideas in sciece in the 1800's. We know are looking into stem cell research and begining to cone things, just as Mary Shelley did in Frankenstien. Society now is more accepting to the new researches and cloning than in the 1800's, however; there are still a few that are sceptical of the ordeal.
<3 Jennifer Frederiksen-1st hr.
The fact that she developed such a story is scary because she wrote it at a very young age. The proof that history repeat itself is that people still test on human body.
Manvi Huyen
I think that Mary Shelley wrote the gothic story of Frankenstein with gory plots, because she was young and she could think of good stuff. Also, from a dream that was a nightmare gave her the ideas. THe fact that we can clone people now, is like the story.
Mary Shelley wrote the gory story of Frankenstein without any source of influence other than her own mind. To think that a young girl in the time and age that she lived in could write such a harshly gruesome piece of literature just baffles me. She had a more extensive vocabulary than most college students due today. Living in the world today compared to life in the 1800s is both similar and different. Back then the idea of cloning a human or cloning anything for that matter seemed absurd and outrageous. Today we have people cloning animals even some experimenting with the idea of cloning humans. People in the 1800s would have never thought it remotely possible to create life other than well becoming pregnant and having children. We see clones in movies and read about it in the news but it's still a little freaky to think that it's actually possible today.
She really did not it her self she had help do to it. Well some of it she did bt her self, she had a dreame about the idea, but her english teacher help her with the rest of the writing.
Know a days scientist can explain the imposiple. Scientis can actually view a living human body by using an exraymachine. Back then I think you had to cut a body up and to reasher, you know. In other words, we still can really explain the human body, with emotions and the energy within.
I think she came up with this great plot because she has a great imagination. She he a lot of support from her husband. I think the envirment played a big role in it to. The proof you get in which history repeats itself. Is how future writers can relate to ideas in the past and make better horror storys
Chris Chapple
She had a lot of inspration from her husband, and the fact that she wanted to make a horror story that scared anyone who read it, something that even her the writer had something to do with the development of the story. Also the environment probaly had something to do with that too, because she was alone with other authors giving her inspiration for her own story.
Nichelle Holliman
I think some people have just crazy imagnations and she had one at young age. She made a story that would be scary to her and other people. That when she wrote about coloning someone that later in history it would happen. brad duplantis
I'm a super late posting this blog..but I'm doing it anyway. I think Mary was able to develop a character like Frankenstein because she had a very big imagination plus she loved writing ghost if you put it together, thats how she came up with the idea.
.:Khanh Dang:. p.1st
Well honstly I think she really needed to get out a little more. The fact that she had time to think that up is a little desterbing. She could of just had too much time on her hands. Of course she could of been tryin to put her belief of death out there.
i think that she developed the Frankenstein story due to a dream and that reflected in her most atrochious thoughts.
it proves some thought of cloning was apparent and it was very vividly portrayed diven the details in frankenstein.
I believe that history repeats itself because of the fact that even though we may be more tecnologically evolved and everything that fact is every thing that has happened in the past is a foundation of some sort to the things that we have or are going to achieve in the futer
Basically, i think it was a dreamshe had that actually became true.
What I mean by that is, the way she putt the pieces to the story was amazing. She was only 16 years old and came out with something like that.
The Guy who her to do so as in writing the story was brughtbat that time because the movie and book Frankinstien is one of the best sellers.
Now they even hoe a frankestien's wife . They also made a little movie called the Adam's Family and they also had and Frankenstien character in it.
Mary Shelley came up with the plot to her story in a dream. People learn from history and that makes it have more of a chance of repeating itself.
Samantha Yager 7th period
i think that Mary was just a very talented person with a wonderful imagination, she put her thoughts and dreams together and came up with Frankenstien.
I didn't exactly find myself being surprised with the fact that Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein. It is however a tad bit unusual for girls her age to think things like that(especially in that time period) but different people think different thinks and most likely, she thought of gory stuff like that all of the time.
Personally, I wasn't suprised at all at the fact that Mary Shelley was capable of writing Frankenstein. While it is in fact a bit unusual for young women to think of things like that, it is not impossible. Different people think and dream of different things. Mary Shelley obviously thinks of more gory and creepy things.
Well a way that I believe that she came up with the idea is because of them time she lived in, during the 1800's was a troubled time and it proposed new science, which I believe how she came up with the story of Frankenstien. Also it was a little competition between friends so why not make the story as gory as possible. None the less I believe it had to deal with the new times and new science and study that was being developed during the time, considering she also lived in the European states which where competing with other states to advance their technology before others have.
Trophey Roungreuand 6th period
i dont find it all that out of the oridinary, just because when you get alone you tend to think of some strange things.
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